Stay tuned for photos, videos, and insights into my work as a potter!  I want to show off my studio, which I set up in my basement, and all of the processes I’ve learned/devised to make my own clay body and glazes, set up and repair my big old (ca. 1980) electric kiln, make a bunch of bowls and mugs (with other types of vessels in the works), venture into professional social media, and gear up for my first show, which happens TOMORROW (Friday, December 19, 2014)!

Here’s a link to the Facebook page about the show, which will take place at the home of a friend and fellow local artist, Jill Miller, of Hooey Batiks: 

Also, here’s a link to my professional Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michael-Hannah-Pottery/400660246777475?pnref=lhc